H.R. Mike Eshleman’s Open Talk

Henry R. (Mike) Eshleman came up the hard way. A newlywed, looking for a job as an auto mechanic, he followed friends to Detroit in 1920 and stayed.

He found a job with an auto company, but wanted a business of his own. He got that too–eventually he started manufacturing auto parts in a small plant he bought in South Haven. That made him president of Springfield Machine and Stamping Co. He would continue buying more plants not only within state, but also out of state. He created a new company called Pullman Industries and all the newly acquired companies were put under the umbrella of the corporation becoming the chair of the board.

Early on in his business career he began to have trouble with alcohol, becoming an alcoholic. He became an early member of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous becoming the second oldest member.

This is his story that he gave which hasn’t changed very much over the years. However, he hoped before he was done he was able to leave or impart to some man that was inflicted with this same disease as himself – some ray of hope, some message, some word or some thought, that he too may enjoy the happiness, peace and contentment that’s been my lot to enjoy as a member of this wonderful organization of ours.


© 2013 by Bill T, Archivist, General Service of Southeastern Michigan, Area 33


Open talk by “Mike”
Area 33 Archives
Detroit Times
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Burton Historical Collection

For Further Info:


12:00 PM02:00 PM
Madison High School (Madison Heights)
conference, speaking, speak

Area Assembly

915 E Eleven Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI 48071

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