Structure of Area 33
Area 33 is located in Southeastern Michigan. It includes 5 Counties: Wayne; Oakland; Macomb; St. Clair; and Sanilac. There are 24 districts and one Spanish linguistic district. More details can be found in Area 33 Geography.
There are approximately 1,000 registered groups in the Area. You can search and filter them using our Meeting Finder.

The Group
The basic unit of A.A.’s service structure is the A.A. Group. Your group and its neighboring Groups form the next larger unit, the district. Group Service Representatives ( GSRs) attend district meetings, and elect a District Committee Member (DCM) who conducts district meetings and represents the conscience of the district as a voting member of the Area Assembly.
The District
The Districts form the next larger unit, the Area. There are 25 Districts in General Service of Southeastern Michigan -Area 33. GSRs and DCMs attend Area Assemblies once a month to share information and vote on issues that affect A.A. as a whole.
The Area
General Service of Southeastern Michigan -Area 33 is one of three delegate areas in Michigan, and one of the 93 delegate areas in the United States and Canada. The members of Area 33 Assembly elect the Delegate who represents Alcoholics Anonymous on behalf of the area.