The Finance Committee meets monthly. The Treasurer’s financial reports were read and accepted. The Finance Committee assists the Area 33 Treasurer with all checks and balances to help ensure that all the information contained in the monthly reports is correct.

The Area committees who may need additional funds over and above their annual budget for special events or projects can setup a visit with the Finance Committee with their committee ideas, and if the Finance Committee feels it’s a good project or event that would help Area 33 with carrying the message, and Area has the available funds, and they agree to support your committees’ ideas, you can then bring it to the Area body with the Financial Committees blessing. Check with the Treasurer for your committee’s current budget for 2024.

Discussions at our meeting for June 2024 regarded being fiscally responsible for the Area 33 funds, but to not sit on those funds. We encourage the committees to discuss ways to carry the message, inside and outside of Alcoholics Anonymous with workshops or events for your committees to get members involved in Third Legacy!

The committee also discussed a situation at a meeting where there are other cans for contributions other than the Jail Pail. Each group is autonomous. That is correct! But the groups and districts are not financially connected with Area 33. So those other cans being made and put out at a group or district cannot say that it’s part of Area 33 or General Services of Southeastern Michigan. Doing so and not having any fiscal involvement with Area 33 can jeopardize our non-profit status. Please, do not associate any of your collection cans or other ways of getting contributions to Area 33.

Committees, talk with past committee chairs, past Delegates, your service sponsor (what’s that?!) Get some great ideas. Groups go to your district meetings, discuss ways of carrying the message and ask Area 33 for suggestions, ideas and support!

Russ R.
Finance Committee Chairperson

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