Area 33 has several Liaison positions. A Liaison is a contact person, or representative, from a specified group or entity who keeps Area 33 up to date and informed as to their activities. Likewise, Liaisons inform their groups or committees of the events and news of Area 33. The YPAA liaison is elected at the Area 33 Assembly.

The YPAA Liaison position encourages communication and collaboration amongst young people in A.A. throughout Area 33, as well as help with communication between Area 33 and the various YPAA entities throughout the Area, the State of Michigan, the Eastern Area, and across the country.

YPAA entities refers to any young person’s group (YPG), young person’s conference/convention, or young person’s committee. This Liaison will keep the Area informed of any upcoming state, regional, or international YPAA conferences or conventions happening in or around Area 33.

This Liaison position can help educate Area 33 and its members about what YPAA is and how a young person might get involved or find relatable fellowship in the program. It is highly suggested this position maintains or has access to an update list of young people’s meetings throughout the Area.

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