During the recent committee meeting, various items were discussed to further online group participation within Area 33.

It was highlighted that while efforts are ongoing to implement hybrid Area 33 assemblies, there is also a desire to see online groups participate at the district and committee levels. However, the feasibility of supporting this initiative is challenging since many districts and committees continue to meet in person.

The committee reviewed data indicating that there are currently nine registered online groups within the area and approximately 60 online-only meetings listed on the MG app.

Additionally, the committee deliberated on the potential creation of a dedicated online group district. In support of this idea, the committee decided to develop a questionnaire to assess the preferences and needs of online groups in our area. A member volunteered to share a Google document containing a draft of the questionnaire for further review and input.

The aim is to gather comprehensive feedback to guide future decisions and ensure that the online groups’ voices are adequately represented in Area 33’s activities.

Carlyle W.
Online Groups Ad Hoc Committee Chair

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