We have drafted these posting guidelines to minimize the controversy that arises around certain types of posts, especially as they relate to interpretation of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. 

Retreats & Workshops

In the past, we have received postings for retreats and/or workshops,followed by numerous requests to take those postings down. 

If your Bulletin or Event might be considered a retreat or workshop, please review the information below BEFORE submitting it:

  • <include 1-3 links to aa.org publications/guidelines on this topic>
  • <include 1-3 questions for self-reflection on this topic>

Similarly, if you are concerned that a particular retreat or workshop posting violates your interpretation of a particular tradition, we urge you to read the above guidelines prior to Reporting Objectionable Content <LINK>.

Raffles & Fundraisers

In the past, we have received Event postings mentioning fundraisers or raffles, followed by numerous requests to take those postings down.  

If your Bulletin or Event might be considered a raffle or fundraiser, please review the information below BEFORE submitting it:

  • <include 1-3 links to aa.org publications/guidelines on this topic>
  • <include 1-3 questions for self-reflection on this topic>

Similarly, if you are concerned that a particular raffle/fundraiser posting violates your interpretation of a particular tradition, we urge you to read the above guidelines prior to Reporting Objectionable Content <LINK>.

(Non) “Conference-Approved” Literature

In the past, we have received postings mentioning the use of literature published by organizations other than A. A. World Services, Inc. or A.A. Grapevine, Inc., followed by numerous requests to take those postings down.  This is commonly referred to as Non-“Conference-Approved” literature.

If your Bulletin or Event mentions any published literature, please review the information below BEFORE submitting it:

  • <include 1-3 links to aa.org publications/guidelines on this topic>
  • <include 1-3 questions for self-reflection on this topic>

Similarly, if you are concerned about the literature mentioned in a posting, we urge you to read the above guidelines prior to Reporting Objectionable Content <LINK>.

Fellowship-Focused Outings

In the past, we have received postings for “social” or “fellowship”-focused events, followed by numerous requests to take those postings down. 

If your Bulletin or Event could be perceived primarily as a social outing, please review the information below BEFORE submitting it:

  • <include 1-3 links to aa.org publications/guidelines on this topic>
  • <include 1-3 questions for self-reflection on this topic>

Similarly, if you are concerned whether a fellowship- or social-focused outing “qualifies” to be considered an AA Event, we urge you to read the above guidelines prior to Reporting Objectionable Content <LINK>.

Repeat Postings

In the past, we have received repeated postings from some individuals attempting to promote or otherwise draw attention to specific meetings or meeting venues. We have come to view these repeated postings, without any significant modification or new information added, to be an abuse of posting privileges.   

Please review the information below BEFORE re-submitting previously-posted content:

  • <include 1-3 links to aa.org publications/guidelines on this topic>
  • <include 1-3 questions for self-reflection on this topic>

Similarly, if you are concerned about a repeat posting, we urge you to read the above guidelines prior to Reporting Objectionable Content <LINK>.

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