
Area 33 Web Committee serves AA entities within and adjacent to Area 33 by allowing these AA entities to post Bulletins and Event Listings (a.k.a “Flyers”) visible to our site’s audience.   We adhere to Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 Steps and 12 Traditions to the best of our ability while providing this service.   

General Guidance

  1. All postings MUST be sponsored by an AA entity within or adjacent to Area 33 (in East Central Region) or AA’s GSO.
    • In accordance with the 6th tradition, we are unable to post flyers for events sponsored by non-AA entities, such as Alano Clubs, Al-Anon, N.A., etc.
  2. All postings MUST list the A.A. Group, District, Committee, or Entity that is sponsoring the Event or Bulletin.  
  3. All postings MUST somehow involve at least one of the Three Legacies of AA (ideally 2 or all 3):
    • Recovery
    • Unity
    • Service

Before you submit an Event or Bulletin posting, we ask that you:

  1. THOROUGHLY review AA’s 12 Traditions, so they are fresh in your mind.
  2. THOROUGHLY review the post you are about to submit, with those 12 Traditions in mind.
  3. READ additional guidance on Problematic Bulletin & Event Postings to see if any of these situations apply to your post:
    1. Retreats & Workshops
    2. Raffles & Fundraisers
    3. (Non) “Conference-Approved” Literature
    4. Fellowship-Focused (Social) Events
    5. Repeat Postings
  4. REMOVE any elements that might potentially infringe on one (or more) of those 12 Traditions, or otherwise cause controversy.

Reporting Content Objections

If you are a website  reader objecting to an Event or Bulletin posting, we ask that you first address your objection with the sponsor of that Event or Bulletin:

  1. CONTACT THE SPONSOR of the posting to discuss your concerns, using the organizer’s contact information contained in that posting.
  2. SUGGEST TO THE SPONSOR that they themselves ask to have their posting edited/updated/removed from the website.
  3. Then, if not resolved promptly, contact Area 33 Web Committee to request the posting be removed.
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