First Public Announcement of Alcoholics Anonymous in Detroit

Before this date little or nothing as known about this recovery program for drunks in Detroit.

A dawn of a new era was begun on June 22, 1940 when local members announced in a Detroit News article that a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous was begun in Detroit.
It started in January, 1940 (Benson’s Basement on Taylor St, Highland Park) and had grown from 3 members to 35 members, which was then located at 4242 Cass Ave.

Inquires in Detroit could be received through the Alcoholic Foundation, Post Office Box 33, North End Station and allotted to members for investigation. The North End Station was located on Milwaukee Ave east of Woodward Ave.

The article goes on to discuss a group of alcoholics banded together at the Ypsilanti State Hospital, called the Mutual Aid Society. These two bands of alcoholics were helping each other to stay sober. The Mutual Aid members upon being released were sent to the Detroit Group. This sounds as if the Director of this group of men had gotten a copy of the book Alcoholics Anonymous from the Alcoholic Foundation in N.Y.

This would be the beginning of complete cooperation between Detroit Alcoholics Anonymous and Treatment facilities.


© 2013 by Bill T, Archivist, General Service of Southeastern Michigan, Area 33


Detroit News
Detroit Public Library

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Madison High School (Madison Heights)
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